Embracing God's Unchanging Word

1 year ago

Embracing God's Unchanging Word

It's a temptation we all face: believing truths hold for everyone except ourselves. We think, "I'm the exception; I can maneuver around it." However, our intentions don't alter divine truths. A heart's desire can't reshape the facts.

📖 When God speaks, it's final. His words aren't flexible, open to interpretation. If we dare to reshape, adapt, or manipulate His declarations to fit our desires, we're embracing rebellion. This rebellion equals allowing our own wishes to rival God's established truth. It's like pitting your version of a word against His, hoping to bend His Word to suit you.

🔄 Remember, changing His Word to suit our whims is dangerous territory.
#DivineTruths #UnchangingWord #GuardAgainstRebellion #AdaptingGodsWord #StayFaithful

1 Samuel 15:22 "To Obey is Better than Sacrifice" https://youtu.be/CHhx8FKITSs
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