HOW the Holy Gospels in One was compiled #matthew #mark #luke #john #newtestament #harmony #gospels

1 year ago

The Holy Gospels in One is a “Word for Word” narrative of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, combined into a single chronological account. In order to capture all the events concerning the ascension of Christ, a section of Acts chapter one has been added to the end.

This narrative was compiled using a direct analytical translation of each Greek word from the 1550 Stephanus Textus Receptus. To ensure an accurate translation, the 1769 King James Authorized Version was the main source of cross reference. All words that are not in the original Greek manuscripts, but were deemed necessary for readability were italicized.

The intent of Holy Gospels in One is to dispel the “so-called” contradictory passages through an accurate chronological recording of the events and words. Words from the various Gospels are colour coded for quick reference.

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