Totalitarian Freaks Push For PLANDEMIC 2.0: Media Ramps Up Fear, Celebrities Push MASKING

1 year ago

Aug 24, 2023

The American people must be resolved and never let the plandemic happen again.
Clint Russell, creator and host of Liberty Lockdown, is here to talk about the globalists’ next plandemic.
The Biden administration is planning more mandates, forced masking, and draconian lockdowns to bankrupt American businesses.
The American people must become ungovernable.
Law enforcement officers must side with the people and refuse to enforce these illegal measures.
The World Economic Forum has given marching orders to their puppet governments.
The American people continue to reject the psychological programming disseminating from the media.
This is a direct threat to their power and that is why they are doubling down.
The new lockdowns will be used to advocate for more mail in ballots and will result in another stolen election.
What happens when the majority of the country loses faith and no longer believes their vote truly counts?
This may be part of the plan and what the globalists want.
They want to provoke a reaction from the American people that gives them a pretext for even more power and control which means the complete abolition of the Bill of Rights.
The Left wants a violent civil war in this country.
The dissident right must take a stand and sacrifice.
We must take our kids out of public school indoctrination camps and hold local governments accountable.

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