Daily Chess play - 1325

1 year ago

0:00 Game 1:
Move 15, Opponent blunders Knight on g5; He takes back with Queen but I get Fork by Knight on f3. Move 30, I give up Bishop on b7 to trade for Rook on e1. Move 37, I take Bishop on a8. Move 40, I check and take Knight on g3. Move 43, I check and take Rook on c6. Opponent resigned very late in the game until almost time out.

18:27 Game 2:
Move 26, Opponent blunders Bishop on a3. Move 28, Opponent starts a trade with Rook check on e8; Bishop and Queen for Bishop and 2 Rooks. Move 31, I check with Rook on e1 and promote on a1. Move 34, Checkmate on e1.

34:18 Game 3:
Move 6, Check and take Bishop on c4. Move 15, Took free Bishop on a3. Move 17, I take pawn on f4 check and take Knight on c7 which made Opponent resign..

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