12 Signs You're Being Controlled

1 year ago

The following are 12 signs you're being controlled! We experience genuine bosses of control consistently. Individuals use power, media, and relational connections to control others. In all actuality, individuals like this are all over the place, and they can be anybody. The main thing that shifts is the strategies they use, and it's really smart to realize what these are!

Controllers utilize specific ways of behaving to impact others' thought processes, and feelings and act to get anything they desire. Basically, they play mental games, and it works. In any case, it possibly works on the off chance that you don't have any idea how the game is played! The more comfortable you are with these strategies, the harder it will be for anybody to utilize them against you.

The following time somebody attempts to utilize these stunts on you, you'll have the option to perceive the signs you're being controlled right away. Then, you can decide to overlook it or call them out on it.

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