"Man shall cause this famine" – a prophecy May 1, 1970

1 year ago

Were we told in prophecy May 1, 1970, about a famine to be caused by man? Listen to Aka, spiritual messengers of God, as they spoke then.

They were asked, "Do you have a special message for us before we begin the readings?’

"Yes, the Eagle of thy plane has taken upon it claws. This is good, but if the Eagle is not careful, it shall go into total war. Watch now for the Red Horse, for she shall strike in another area that the Eagle yet thinks not. Because of this, the Lion shall bite the Eagle, for she shall think the Eagle wrong.

Now, I have another message for what thy call thy President. There shall be assassination attempt made upon his life. The date shall be July 22 of this year of thy plane. It shall be made from, as thy know it, the Black Panther unit....

Now, as I have said before, the time of the Great Sword is upon you. Because of men’s actions of this plane, the time is growing near.

It is also necessary that thy know that thy of thy plane have visitors from another galaxy. This is not part, the interference from one galaxy to another is not part of God's plan. Therefore, as the axis of your earth is being changed, soon thy will know these visitors. This shall be taken up at a different time.

To understand this, ye must first think of the spirits of God, also of the spirits of man, and then the souls of man. Then think of thee as not one, but two, but not two, but as three. When ye understand this, then ye shall understand the plan of God....

What other information would thy ask?

"[M_______] asked about some information on the storing of food in preparation for the famine.”

Yes, this should be done. But in thy preparation, store seed, store it preferably in airtight containers, that no air may enter. If possible, the pumping out of any air in the container as these stores are made would be good. But, it would also be suggested that this should not be done as, as you would say, a rush thing. Store a little, as thy can afford it. Store also, in containers, no flour. Store either rice or corn. This also, if possible, the air should be taken from the containers that it is stored in. The preparing of certain fruits and vegetables, as thy call it, either in canned goods – yes -- more information shall be given to you from time to time.

"All right.”

Also, it would be suggested that thy should get a script of thy known herbs of that location.

"What location?”

The one around thee of both the desert and the high land, preferably the high land. This will be safer in the days of famine.

"All right. What will cause this famine?”

Man shall cause this famine.

[Note: Henry Kissinger said in 1970: “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world”.]

"The land that has dropped in Claypool in the well, we would ask for some information on this, if this is pertinent to the earthquake which you have spoken of before?”

Yes, not once, but twice, but threefold, the land shall upheaval, and so shall be thy warning. The men who shall work the ground shall become afraid of it, and leave it within time, but they shall have nothing to fear but fear in their own souls, for as the upheaval shall end, great riches shall come forth and these riches shall be, in part, of an old generation, upon a different time and a different plane. The other part shall be the riches known of your plane.

"Will the records of Atlantis be uncovered?”

Partially, yes, but not all. [But] that will wait for another time. The records of Atlantis shall rise, first, in part, from thy ocean, second, in part, very near here, and third, in part, [from] the vaults below what thy call Cairo, Egypt. When these are brought together, then a knowledge unknown to man at this time, ye shall have, a knowledge long ago forgotten, which man turned back, as you would call it, to the Stone Age.

"Do you have an approximate or an exact time on this earthquake in this area, the first one?”

Ye have already felt a very slight one, ten days ago. These shall increase in number, and with each of these they shall grow stronger.

"When will the first one be finished?”

There is no finish, and there is no beginning and no end. When the final time comes and the end comes, the Great Sword will have struck and cut thy earth, and thy whole earth shall change and the surface of thy earth shall change, for all this is in God's plan and in God's time."

Rod asked Aka, "And, uh, we are safe to stay here?”

Aka answered, "Yes, you are very safe. All those who would take in their hearts the temple of God is safe; those who shall not heed and shall cast God from himself, they are lost and shall be lost, as before, as now, and as in the future."

Read more from Aka – "Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine" – https://medium.com/prepare-for-the-time-of-the-great-famine

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