Opie and Anthony: "We got Ian Halperin on the Phone." 12/9/10

1 year ago

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Opie predicts something BIG! "Today's finally the day!"

Ian draws near! Speaking in tongues? I dunno.

Describing Gansu. Opie thinks it looks like a shithole!

"Chinese Cherry."

Jim Norton is indeed present. What he prefers.

"The Stern Story."

Ant does not want to go to Gansu.

Big Scoop=Oprah Winfrey. Barbara Walters.

I don't think Oprah is LGBT. That's just me though.

Creating tears. Chemical approach or CALIGULA!?

"I know that for a fact."

Elizabeth Edwards. "Boy Toy."

"He was a hospice nurse."

Jennifer Lopez. Her butt.

Caller. "Yea, JOE! How are you doing!?"

J-Lo and certain tapes.

Caller. Something, something, California. Epidemic.

"You better start Dancing!"

Bad jokes. "Let's talk about your gay getaway!"

"Everyone wants in!" More callers.

"Don't get me involved in this! I like Ian!"

Ian has questions about who to "pop"?

Ian getting shredded by callers. Condoms? Questions. Stupid.

Oprah=fake tears. "All an act."

J-Lo will separate from her husband.

"Thank you, Mr. Halperin."

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