Music - Songwriting Royalties

1 year ago

I attended the SXSW conference in Austin, TX. The Copyright Royalty Board ruling that the royalty rate for songs will rise to 15% of US streaming revenue is excellent. However, the outdated industry infrastructures and distribution mechanisms must be addressed. Research by the Music Managers Forum (MMF), shows songwriters are currently waiting several years to receive payment for streaming. Due to the tangled complex of collecting society and publisher networks, up to 30% of royalties can be deducted in admin costs. I learned about the Song Royalties Manifesto which outlines this mess to be fixed.

@0:39 artists, streaming service, deliver music, record label, distributer
@1:28 license and copyright
@3:15 ISWC, unique code for song
@4:22 mechanical rights vs. performing rights
@5:45 content, royalties, data, invoice, pay
@7:25 match recording to song
@8:22 claiming song royalties
@9:35 MMF, Digital Dollar project
@10:11 song royalties manifesto
@11:57 CMU insights.

#sxsw #songwriter #royalties

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