Breastfeeding Tips - Advice for Nursing Your Baby!

8 years ago

I've been nursing Eloise for over a year and Meredith is on month 4 of breastfeeding Loewy so we put together our best nursing tips & items we use to make nursing easier.

PART 2 -

This video is long and a bit chaotic (because we filmed it while taking care of both babies!) but we hope that it helps any of you nursing moms or moms-to-be as you take on the adventure of breastfeeding. We hope our advice is helpful and encouraging. If you have any breastfeeding tips or tricks you think other mamas should know go ahead and share it below!

List of products we recommend (most on Amazon):
Boppy Pillow
Mayana Geneviere bra (available at
Medela Breastpump
Lansinoh Pads & Handheld Pump
Nursing cover
Muslin swaddle blankets
Snacks & water
Cabbage (seriously... try it)

Products to help milk supply:
Mother's Milk tea
Water water water

Domperidone (Canadian prescription)

If you have anything you want to see on this channel... life advice... relationship questions ... or life questions ... or anything that you want Shaun & I to talk about in other videos please leave us a comment below!!!

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This video was filmed and edited by our amazing friend Becca Prins. @bprins

Other breastfeeding tips we forgot to mention:
- You can prime your nipples before the baby arrives by applying nipple cream (Lanolin and other brands make this cream) this helped us both to prevent them from getting chapped and cracked. You can keep using this cream after the baby arrives too.
- When you fly on airplanes nursing during take off and landing is a great way to keep your baby's ears from hurting.
- When you nurse in public don't worry too much about what other people are thinking. Just feed your baby like the boss mama you are.
- If nursing isn't your jam and instead you are a formula feeding mama then know we are cheering you on! Feeding your baby is a huge job no matter how you do it!
- If your new baby is getting a tummy ache after nursing try Gripe Water or Gas Drops they are available at most convenient stores.
- There is lots of content online about storing your breast milk once you pump so go ahead and google it to find out how long it can last. I think frozen breast milk is good for up to 6 months.

Thank you so much for watching!

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