An expert told me THIS Secret Trick 💥 (The Result is AMAZING) 🤯

2 years ago

Are your rims dirty? - Then you should definitely try THIS!

✅ Is HERE something for you? ➡️ *

You want your aluminum rims shine again really nice, but do not know what you can clean them best? In this video I show you how you can clean your rims easily and quickly with washing powder.

Take half a liter of water and two tablespoons of washing powder. Stir everything well until the washing powder is completely dissolved. Now fill this mixture into a spray bottle.

Then you can start spraying. Go to your car and spray the washing powder on your rims. Grab a sponge, wet it a bit, and then start wiping it over your rims.

You'll notice that the dirt comes right off and you barely have to wipe. After you've gone over everything once, you can rinse it all off with water. And then your rims will shine and look like new, thanks to a little washing powder.

❌ THIS must not be missing in any household! ❌

✅ Washing Soda ➡️ *
✅ Baking Soda ➡️ *
✅ Citric Acid ➡️ *
✅ Vinegar ➡️ *
✅ Microfiber Cloth ➡️ *

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* I use so-called affiliate links here. If you buy one of the products through these links, I get a commission. This way you support my channel, but of course there are no additional costs for you!


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