Everyone throws ASH into the WASHING MACHINE 💥 (THIS is the REASON) 🤯

2 years ago

Have you ever washed your laundry with ash? - Here I show you why you should!

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When you think of ash, you certainly think of many things, but not of washing your clothes. Ash is a wonderful substitute for detergent and in the past, people only washed with ash. What you need to consider and how it works, I show you in this video.

Because we don't want to put the ash directly into the washing machine, but we make a lye out of the ash. To do this, you add 6-8 tablespoons of ash to a liter of hot water. It is important that it is only ash from untreated wood.

Let the lye stand for about 20 hours. The PH should be between 10 and 11, you can measure it if you want to be on the safe side. Then filter the lye so that there are no more ash pieces in it. You can add an essential oil of your choice if needed.

Ash has a good cleaning power and a very good fat dissolving power. To take advantage of this for your laundry, you should put some of it in the compartment where you usually put your detergent. This way you will get your laundry with ash really clean again. Try it also with you necessarily times out.

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✅ Washing Soda ➡️ https://amzn.to/3nafQKa *
✅ Baking Soda ➡️ https://amzn.to/3Dha8f6 *
✅ Citric Acid ➡️ https://amzn.to/3DgGUgt *
✅ Vinegar ➡️ https://amzn.to/3cbH9xz *
✅ Microfiber Cloth ➡️ https://amzn.to/2YGgG82 *

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