Three Warnings About the Harlot in Revelation 17: Where Is She Today?

1 year ago

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The Bible is a fascinating book. It’s filled with inspiration and encouragement. It gives strength to the weary and hope to the hopeless. But many are surprised to find out just how blunt the Bible is. Maybe even shocking.

Take the book of Revelation. It’s amazingly candid in talking about some delicate subjects. Have you read the book of Revelation, lately? We’re going to dive into a portion of it today, and glean what we can about a subject which has surprising connection to our life today. In today’s world of political correctness, the Bible is refreshingly honest and genuine. It tells it like it is. It doesn’t pull any punches. When you want the truth, the Bible is where you should turn.

So, join me in this edition of Tomorrow’s World. And take a moment to get a pen and paper now, because you’ll have the opportunity a little later on to request a free publication. It’s called, Who or What is the Antichrist? It’s a fascinating glimpse into a mysterious but vital subject. And one that will take on more and more relevance, as we get closer to Christ’s return. So get ready, because in a moment we’re going to launch into our topic and discover, Who is the Great Harlot of Revelation?

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World. A lot of people know about the Bible, but few really read it. And fewer still understand it. One vital key to understanding the Bible, especially when it comes to prophecy, is to understand symbolism. Much prophecy is written in symbolism. Now, by symbolism, I don’t mean that all meaning is just wiped away. I just mean that certain symbols represent other things. And if we let the Bible itself define those symbols, the meaning is unlocked, like the turning of a key. Take, for example, the book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation is full of symbols. Stars, we find, can represent angels. Floods are symbolic of people. Horns represent governments. And a woman—this is the key for our discussion today—a woman, represents a church.

One of the places where we find that occur is in Revelation 19. Jesus Christ gave this message to the Apostle John. John was inspired to see, in vision, a glimpse of the glorified saints entering the Kingdom of God, and marrying Jesus Christ, as His Bride. Let’s read it together: “Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready” (Revelation 19:7). The Lamb is Christ—slain for the world. His wife is His Church. We find that in other places, as we’ll see a little bit later. And the woman who marries Christ is a virtuous, honorable, respectable, upstanding woman. What it means is that the saints who enter glory will be virtuous, clean, obedient, and forgiven of their sins, under the precious blood of Christ. Going on, it says, “And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints” (Revelation 19:8). That’s how Jesus sees His precious church. That’s how He sees people who are sincere and faithful and obedient to Him: As a woman of integrity and character preparing to marry her husband.

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