The Fauci "mRNA" Fraud (Please see SHOW MORE letters)

1 year ago

On 2 September 2021 Fauci REPEATEDLY and PREEMPTIVELY lied to the global population in behalf of Pfizer/Moderna; claiming that their needles contain harmless "mRNA," and even asserting that their needles were "messenger RNA." A criminal fraud.

But the Fauci lies also include the 10 December 2020 meeting at the FDA, where the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer needle was affirmed . . . in behalf of Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer. I detailed the blatant fraud of that "approval" meeting (with Fauci and Martha Pollack) on Page 24/25 of 48 in my letter of 28 March 2022:

At-bottom of Page 24 I detailed that Dr. Kathrin Jansen, the Pfizer Senior Vice President and head of Vaccine R&D, was in-the-room at that EUA meeting that Fauci claimed was "independent."

QUESTION: How many times during that "independent FDA review" do you think that Dr. Jansen disclosed that the Pfizer needle did NOT contain mRNA, but instead the DNA altering "modRNA" . . . not once.

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While billions of so-called adults worldwide have been needled with modRNA, 5-yesr-old Julie did not comply:

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