Jay shree Balaji

1 year ago

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Online script

There are several online JavaScript compilers and playgrounds that allow you to write, run, and debug JavaScript code right in your browser. Some of the main benefits of using online JavaScript compilers are:

Convenience: You don't need to install any tools or dependencies. Everything runs in the browser.

Instant feedback: You can see the output of your code immediately as you type. This speeds up the development cycle.

Sharing code: The URL of your code in the online compiler can be shared with others.

Learning: Online compilers make it easy for beginners to learn and practice JavaScript.

Some popular online JavaScript compilers are:

Playcode - Provides a full-featured online JavaScript compiler with features like live view, autocomplete, templates, and access to NPM packages.

Programiz - Offers a simple online JavaScript compiler with input, output, and a run button. Good for beginners.

JSFiddle - Allows you to write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and see them work together in the results panel. Supports frameworks like jQuery, Vue, and React.

CodePen - Similar to JSFiddle but with a more stylish interface. Also supports HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with frameworks.

Repl.it - An online IDE with support for many languages including JavaScript. Allows you to create full projects with multiple files.

StackBlitz - Focused on web development with support for Angular, React, Vue, and others. You can create full web app prototypes.

In summary, online JavaScript compilers provide a convenient and interactive way to write, test, and debug your JavaScript code - without having to install any tools locally on your machine. They make learning and practicing JavaScript very approachable, especially for beginners.

Hope this gives you an overview of online JavaScript compilers! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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