Contact Your Star Family Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Contact Your Star Family Energy VlogTitle stems in P:art from the date August 26, 2023 thus giving us #5 The hierophant card modeled on the Pope but also a spiritual messenger therefore, I channelled Shala and the Council of Twelve from Sirius B lighty academy. They counseled that we connect with oiur star family to initiate full disclosure of the secret space program.
The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed us an amplitude power of 8 the Strength card comes to mind bring your inner beast under control be strong and brave. The quality at a power of 7.10 also comes to #8 The strength card thus a call to be double strong and brave. The Frequency average came to 7.73 HertZ, thus we have #17 the letter Q and the Star telling us to have hope even though we are vulnerable we can have a clear vision. Taking these numbers all together we have The Hierophant in his spiritual message tells us to be double strong and brave as we connect to the Star of hope and Clarity even as we are vulenrable to open up to the contact.
The Space weather news site showed us a small class C CME that will only braze us in the next two days. The Solar wind density was up to 8 protons. The wind speed was up to 430 (KPS) and the temperature was 11,000 Kelvin. The KP index of geomagnetic activity was in the green as we only got as High as level 3 for an average in two hours.

QWe shared tow videos the first was Charlie Ward who reported on BRIC adding six nations to their ranks Argentina; Egypt; Ethiopia;Iran; UAE and Saudi arabia this being the most important since it ends the petrodollar which was negotiated by Kissengher during the nixon administration.
The Second Video was from Exopolitics by Dr Michael Salla on the Whistleblower Groush interview before congress where he states the we have reverse engineered spacecraft from Extraterrestrials. This is where the channelling began where shale and the 12 basically confirmed that we have reverse engineered said craft. The also said thaqt we can initiate Disclosure By getting into a meditative state and ask our star family to come through and disclose to us their presence.
The two star seed card I pulled were the You have got the love card Hadi riian Energies Co dependence and set boundaries. the second card Baby steps Take action; follow your intuition before it makes sense.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather news Site:
Charlie Ward rumble video:
Dr. Michael Salla Exopolitics video:

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