The Hidden Truth of Data Brokers

1 year ago

The Hidden Truth of Data Brokers

I recently had an encounter with LexisNexis. My auto insurance (Farm Bureau of South Carolina), recently sent me the renewal for my truck insurance and a letter included stating they were increasing my premiums due to my credit score, and their info came from LexisNexis.

After several hours on the phone, I learned my credit score was Very High. LexisNexis was able to "SEE" my credit history via ALL THREE credit reporting companies (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion), with the Lowest being 700 from TransUnion.

LexisNexis DID USPS me a copy of my credit history, to my surprise, it LISTED EVERYTHING about me all the way back to 1977 (when I turned 18 yoa).

And, when I say Everything - I Mean EVERYTHING!!

August 26, 2023
Source: Naomi Brockwell

Data brokers know a lot about us. They silently harvest any information they can find, by purchasing information, using trackers, scraping social media, ingesting data breaches.
They compile this information into databases, and sell access so that others can sift through the most private and sensitive areas of our lives.

In this video we pull back the curtain on a largest player in this industry - LexisNexis Risk Solutions, and talk about their giant contracts to sell data to governments.

Data Brokers
LexisNexis Risk Solutions
How Your Data is Collected
Risk to Civil Liberties
Let's stop normalizing surveillance!
Lawsuits and Investigations
What Can We Do

Proactive Steps You Can Take TODAY

Data is the new currency. Let’s take back control of our information, and make more conscious choices about the technology we use.

The future has not yet been written -- let's write one where privacy prevails and the balance of power lies with the individual. Let's fight against the creeping normalization of surveillance in our lives.

Brought to you by NBTV team members: Reuben Yap, Lee Rennie, Cube Boy, Will Sandoval and Naomi Brockwell

Special Thanks to Ghost Exodus for sharing his expertise!
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