Expectations Without Limitations

1 year ago

As humans, we are used to limitations in this physical world. Limitations in our physical energy or abilities, limitations with time constraints, limitations with finances, limitations with resources and limitations in so many other circumstances. But there is one source without limitations, and that is God.

Since we live in a world of limitations, we may naturally tend to limit God in our expectations in regard to answering our prayers and resolving issues whether they be personal or on a national or global scale. What seems impossible to us, is not impossible for God as Jesus teaches in Mark 10:27.

Let's look at 2 examples from the Prophet Elisha when he taught others to not limit God in their expectations.

First we read in 2 Kings 4 about the widow and the olive oil. After her husband died, she approached Elisha with her problem that creditors were going to take her 2 sons as slaves in order to pay the debt. She explained that she had nothing else of value except for a small jar of olive oil. Elisha told her to ask neighbors for empty jars and to not ask for a few. He instructed the widow to not limit her expectations. So she and her sons gathered every single jar in the entire community and, by the miracle of God, that one small jar of olive oil filled the numerous jars they collected. She was able to pay her debt and still had leftover jars full of olive oil.

The second example about not limiting our expectations occurs in 2 Kings 13:14-19. The king of Israel was in a desperate situation against an enemy and sought the Lord through Elisha. Elisha instructed the king of Israel to strike the ground with an arrow, but he limited God and only struck 3 times. Elisha told him if he would have struck the ground 5 or 6 times, he would have completely destroyed his enemy.

From these examples, we see that great things happen when we don't limit God in our expectations, but when we do limit God, we also limit his blessings for us because of our lack of faith.

So as we pray, let us have expectations without limitations and remember what Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 3:20 that God is "able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine".

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