Korean Movie Preview - Target (2023)

1 year ago

Welcome to our channel, where we delve into the captivating world of Korean cinema! In this video, we're thrilled to present our preview of the highly anticipated Korean thriller, "Target" .

🏆 Synopsis:
Target is a tense thriller about a woman who complains about purchasing a defective washing machine online, only to find the seller is a psychopathic killer, who sets out to get revenge on her.

🎭 Stellar Cast:
The movie stars Shin Hye-sun, Kim Sung-kyun and Kang Tae-oh, and is directed by Park Hee-gon.

The movie will be released in South Korea on August 30th, 2023.

Megabox PLUSM: http://www.megaboxplusm.co.kr/library/movieDtl?mcode=SE210085&ck_year=2021&genre=15
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22507484/

#koreanmovies #koreancinema #target #dontbuytheseller #shinhyesun #kimsungkyun #kangtaeoh #koreanmovie2023

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