7 weird psychology facts helluvamindset

1 year ago

1. **Bizarreness Effect:** We tend to remember unusual or bizarre information more easily than common information. This phenomenon is known as the bizarreness effect.

2. **Cognitive Dissonance:** When our actions conflict with our beliefs, we experience cognitive dissonance, which leads us to change our attitudes or beliefs to reduce the discomfort.

3. **Confirmation Bias:** We have a tendency to seek out and interpret information in a way that confirms our pre-existing beliefs, even if that information is not accurate.

4. **Framing Effect:** The way information is presented (or "framed") can significantly influence our decisions. We may react differently to the same information depending on how it's framed.

5. **The Illusion of Control:** People often overestimate the amount of control they have over situations, even when they actually have very little control.

6. **The Zeigarnik Effect:** Unfinished tasks tend to occupy our thoughts more than completed ones. This effect can lead to a sense of mental tension until the task is completed.

7. **The Halo Effect:** We tend to generalize our impressions of a person's positive qualities to their other qualities, assuming that if they're good at one thing, they're good at others as well.

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