Irving police officer helps wrangle eight-foot-long snake

1 year ago

A North Texas police department is likely very thankful to have an officer ready and willing to handle certain slithery animals.

On Tuesday, Aug. 22, the Irving Police Department received a call that a snake was loose in an Irving parking lot. The department said one of its officers, Steve Burres, has a "hidden talent" for handling wildlife, especially snake calls.

"Officer Burres is our snake whisperer," Irving police posted on X. Burres has reportedly captured multiple snakes in the past.

With Tuesday's call, someone told police they couldn’t get into their car because of the snake. Later found out to be called "Ms. Bonnie," the snake got out of its home.

Burres was able to wrangle the snake and keep it in place before Irving Animal Services got to the scene and captured it.

The snake was reportedly eight feet long, making it illegal to own in Irving. The city said snakes have to be under six feet long to own.

Ms. Bonnie will be finding a new home at a wildlife rehabilitation sanctuary, officials said.

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