Best Starter Homeschool Curricula! High Quality, Easy, Affordable and Biblically Based!

1 year ago

The School of Tomorrow Pace books are high quality, easy to use and affordable. They are packed with scripture and character building messages. Paces were created over 3 decades ago and have a Biblical foundation for life and learning for all denominations that respect the Bible as the Word of God. I look inside 3 different subjects in the Paces and show you how to use the Paces. I also go over using the scope and sequence book for planning and diagnostic placement testing to start your child off at the right level. You can literally start in a few days with this high quality curricula that requires very little planning and organization on your part. The organizational structure is built in the workbooks as you follow along. I love these workbooks! I homeschooled my 3 children for all 12 grade levels using a combination the Paces and other curricula! This is a great starter curricula and very useful for seasoned homeschoolers that want to change-up a subject or two and do something different. It’s actually excellent for families that travel a lot also because you need only bring the workbooks and answer keys. The company is well established and has a lot of extra supplies, multi-media options and elective material as well. By far, the best starter curricula that is high quality, easy to use and very affordable.

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