Janapese Culture - Learn From Japan - Life in Japan

1 year ago

Contemporary Japanese society is decidedly urban. Modern, usually Western, popular music is ubiquitous in Japan. Jazz, rock, and the blues are enjoyed by the generations of Japanese who were born after World War II. Many basically Japanese songs are sung to the accompaniment of Western musical instruments.
The two orbits around which family life typically revolves are the workplace and school. Role specialization between men and women, once widespread, gradually has been changing. Men traditionally are the family breadwinners, while women are responsible for home finances, child rearing, and care of the extended family; an increasing number of women, the majority of them married, work outside the home, although often in part-time jobs. In rural agricultural areas, women have growing responsibilities in running agricultural operations, since many male heads of household are engaged in full-time employment in manufacturing facilities often at some distance from the family farm.
Entertaining typically is not done at home, in part because of the small size of most Japanese homes and also because much of it is business-related. However, because such a large portion of the entertainment sector depends on business clientele, the sector has been subject to downturns in the economy that affect the corporate world.

Must watch the video for more information regarding Janapese Culture.

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