
1 year ago

the largest animal on land
grass but are not easy to bully
decided to attack an elephant is a bold
decision of the Lions
with the best hunting weapons in the
Elephant vs lion
but with the thick skin of an elephant
the claws with elephants only weak point
is baby elephant
they are young and defenseless yet
if you let the Lions catch you
then the chance of survival is very low
baby elephant can't resist
often elephants
attack each other
to compete for the top position
most dangerous moments
that's when the elephants have to move
across the river
crocodiles are always lurking
waiting for the right time to attack the
especially the baby elephants
with sharp teeth
Elephant vs crocodile
choose a baby animal
but lucky
the baby elephants made it to the shore
under the protection of the mother
when they drink water
dangerous moment
crocodiles ready to attack
unexpectedly biting on the faucet
but with elephant solidarity
it's them impossible
knocked down
faucet is weak point
of elephants
the moment the elephant took revenge on
the crocodile with the weight of several
with only my stops
the crocodile is almost paralyzed
unable to resist
lost baby elephants
a delicious bait of lions
jump on the back and bite the neck
elephant down
but it's not easy to give up
to be able to take down an adult
almost impossible
the elephants discovered
the baby elephant was attacked and came
luck to the baby elephants
the elephants have come back to the
this is a revenge of the mother elephant
discovered a lion with its Cubs
with just one stopping
the lion cub is gone
mother lion is back
found out her child was lost
it's coming back
but can't avenge a grown elephant
sometimes the lion is chased by the
elephant and climbs up the tree
butt into a tree
crocodiles see elephants in the water
they wait
baby elephants are always
the heart of the attack
a leopard angered an elephant
thank you
was immediately chased up the tree by
the elephant.
the elephant butts at the base of the
tree as if it wants to knock down the
whole tree

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