Faroe Islands: A Family of white sided dolphins terrorized for hours and killed

1 year ago

Danish - Faroe Islands, August 26, 2023:
Weekend.Blodsport - Just over a week since the last grindadrap in Hvannasund, they have driven in a small pod of Atlantic white sided dolphins. See out main Facebook page for the livestream

Hvannasund has a population of just 432 individuals. Assuming that each individual eats 250g of meat per month (the maximum amount recommended by Faroese authorities) just two pilot whale is sufficient to supply this community for 12 months. So why, just NINE DAYS after killing 44 pilot whales, was there a need to kill another five Atlantic white-sided dolphins?
It makes no sense. If it makes no sense to you either, then please speak out - share our posts on social media and write to your local politician, asking them to publicly condemn the grindadráp hunts.

Livestream Filmed by Captain Paul Watson Foundation UK - Faroe Islands Campaign
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OpBloodyFjords
Website: https://cpwf.uk/bloody-fjords

#cpwfuk #OpBloodyFjords #dolphinspotting #grind #Grindadrap #stopdolphinslaughter #notodolphincruelty #CONSERVENOTCONSUME #EndDolphinHunting #grindadrapiscruelty #hvannasund #visitfaroeislands #dolphinsarenotdinner

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