Angry bird

1 year ago

At the center of the film is the idea that anger is the emotion most worth feeling, because life is unjust, and people are coming from a far-off land to steal your stuff. If you think you're angry, Angry Birds says, well, you're not angry enough.

The film follows Red (Sudekis), an outcast in an island of anthropomorphic flightless birds, as he suspects a newly arrived crew of pigs led by Leonard (Hader) of plotting an evil plan, and attempts to put a stop to them with the help of his newfound friends Chuck (Gad) and Bomb (McBride).
Never give up. We've all been there. You've tried knocking down the green pig up high while making the glass take out the one below... at least 200 times. At some point you say this is a stupid game, convince yourself you should quit, and then play another 50 times. Then, from sheer chance, sharpened skill, or dumb luck: it happens. Three stars. You never remember how many times it takes you to get there, you just revel in the achievement of making it.
Try something different. Okay, so after 2,394 attempts at using the boomerang bird to knock down the tower from behind, it's time to get experimental. You mix it up, and on your first try set a new record. If at first you don't succeed, don't just try again, try

Angry Birds is addictive because it has a simple game play and could easily become a part of the user's break time. People can play the game while they are waiting in line or bored. Here's a further breakdown of some of the elements that contribute to the addictiveness of the game.

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