Problems with Modern Metaphysics (Xavier Zubiri's Sentient Intelligence Episode 2)

1 year ago

"For the Ancients and Scholastics, the senses are inferior to the intellect, which is located in the soul. For the Rationalists, the senses are also inferior to the intellect, which is, this time, located in the mind. For Kant, the Senses are organized by the intellect, but the intellect never reaches reality. For Hegel, the intellect, and by extension reality itself, fluidly shapes itself over time via dialectic. Notice how in each of these systems, there is a rather rigid distinction between the functions of the senses and intelligence. The strict division between mind and matter, especially the pervasive notion of the mind’s dominance over the body, makes all of Western philosophy, according to Zubiri, aim at a sensible intelligence, in which the body just delivers confused content to the almighty intellect, rather than a sentient intelligence, in which mind and body shape each other."

Xavier Zubiri is a little-known Spanish philosopher who sought to develop a realist Metaphysics that accounted for a dynamic universe. His expertise and critiques of prior Western philosophical paradigms ultimately led him to craft a systematic philosophy that perhaps synthesized all the best elements of each school of thought, whilst correcting for their respective errors. In this series, Will Deatherage explores his seminal work, Sentient Intelligence.

Special thanks to our script reviewers, including:
Dr. Thomas Fowler, President of the Xavier Zubiri Foundation of North America
Marcos Mendoza
Jose Nunes

For more information about Zubiri, check out:

Background Music: Sandbox by ARSNK
Outro: Inside My Head by ARSNK

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