Post #16 - Chris Tan & Hailey Steinfeld Dream on July 4/22, posted August 26/23

1 year ago

In this dream, I saw Chris tan being infatuated by an oblivious Hailey Steinfeld. Haley is helping Chris with a computer programming assignment.
*The end* LoL 😅

Ready to unpack it?
(Christ Tan buddy! If you ever see this, forgive me LOL LOL but I don't have a choice with what shows up in my dreams! LOL obviously this is nothing whatsoever to do with you, but just the message the Lord is trying to give me.

*CHRIS means "bearer of Christ"
*TAN means "to talk, to discuss"
*HAILEY means "hay meadow"
*STEINFELD means *stone field"
*Computer'means "man made record keeping system"

**Hailey represents the seeds sown in rocky soil: first there's a good looking crop, but then it peters out due to the stones
**The bearers of Christ (believers) are dialoguing WAY too much with the shallow people in the body of Christ.
**Those who are 'shallow' in their faith are not even aware of their situation, but they are under the influence of a spirit of "keeping too many records," aka a judgmental & divisive spirit.
**Believers are being sucked into that same spirit.

The Lord is WARNING us to do the opposite: He wants us to pay attention to Him, not other people.
He wants us to defeat the spirit of discord by walking in love and unity.

Confirming scriptures:
Mt.13:5-6 5 Some fell on rocky ground, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun rose, the seedlings were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.

John 13:35 By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”

Ephesians 2:14 For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has torn down the dividing wall of hostility.

Always test the spirit behind every prophetic word by seeking the Lord in prayer for confirmation in Spirit and in Truth(the Word).

I love you in Christ!
Be blessed in Yeshua!
C U next time!

Brad Gustafson
Youtube & Instagram: @bradgustafson77
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