Think Pretty - Love How You Look

5 years ago

Learning to embrace our own unique beauty is challenging but not impossible. This video will give you strategies for learning to love yourself and enjoy your own physical appearance.

This fun tutorial series "Think Pretty" about the inner workings of beauty I'll be going more deeply into ways we think, feel & see the world, helping us all tp become more beautiful & loving versions of ourselves.

Though I am not the most qualified when it comes to talking about skincare, makeup, fashion or how to do our hair, I am always excited to talk about the inner workings of our lives. In this series our girl Violet will start us off with a random tutorial of some kind and then we will spend the rest of our time together talking through an aspect of beauty related to our hearts. I want to help us develop healthy ways of thinking and feeling but learning new more productive habits.

Week 1-- I talked about how we alone are responsible for our inner lives:

Week 2 -- I spoke on developing clarity and having vision for who we are becoming:

Week 3 -- Overcoming heartbreak, discouragement & personal failure

Week 4 -- What do you have? How can you start using your gifts & abilities right where you are?

Every video ends with a sweet clip from Eloise so you won't want to leave early.

Thank you so much for watching! I hope this Think Pretty series helps you to see yourself and your life in a more beautiful way. I'm praying that it empowers you to take whatever steps are necessary to create more personal vision for your life.

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