Dream Wedding 2016 - a vlog

8 years ago

Our little sister Bethany got married September 5, 2016 and her wedding was an absolute dream! We also happen to look like twin couples so it made things extra fun. Shaun officiated the ceremony and MCed the reception and I was one of the bridesmaids. Unfortunately Eloise wasn't able to attend the wedding so this is the first vlog in forever that doesn't include her sweet face! Anyway the groom Simon sings like an angel and beautiful Bethy dances like one so their relationship is a match made in musical heaven. Literally though... their life together is basically one big musical. Also... Simon is from England... so he has a sweet accent that only enhances his angelic singing voice. They both love Jesus and we love them and this video was a total joy to make because it meant I was able to relive one of my favorite days in history. Plus I just love weddings... and I'm pretty convinced this is the most beautiful wedding ever... or at least its up there in being one of the best weddings of the year.

Here are links to some of the people mentioned in the video:

Bethany Davies:

Simon Davies Music:

Hillary Salvaggione:

Megan Tibbits Music:

Kala Bruce (honorary sister!):

The wedding was held at the Lyons Farmette in Lyons, Colorado.

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