'The Sun Is Not 93 Million Miles Away - Heliocentrism Challenged' - 2013

1 year ago

Published on Aug 11, 2015

"Official" NASA Photos Here? Seriously??

White Rabbits - Crepuscular Rays & Railway Tracks

VSauce's The Moon Terminator Illusion Proof of Light Ray Divergence

Light Ray Divergence:


Fish-eye lenses create images with absurd curvature!
* COMMENT: Also notice on ALL high altitude shots the sun is ALWAYS off to the side and not high above like it would be if it were 93 million miles away. On the rocket shot that went up 73 miles or so, the sun looked to almost be at the same level as the camera. The perspective angle of the sun would not change at 73 miles at all is the sun were 93 million miles away.

Video I Referenced For Sun Size Change:
0:09:59 mark and 1:56:10 mark

Joshua Nowkicki Shoots Chicago Skyline At 60 Miles Away:

Fish-eye lenses create images with absurd curvature!

Sun Rays Through Clouds Show the Distortion of Our Line of Sight:
* Consider where the sun would be at various positions where the light rays are hitting the water.
1. If you were in each of those positions, it would appear from your own line of sight as if the Sun was in the exact same position in the sky.
2. However, from the point of view of the person taking this photo, it appears as if the Sun would be in a completely different position in the sky for each of those positions.
3. This shows a clear discrepency with the landscape we are viewing and proves it is distorted in some way (Concave shape would explain it)."

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