Life Force Energy 5th Elements Ether In Ayurveda Quintessence, Chi, Aura, And Mana

1 year ago

Life Force Energy Five Elements Ether, called “akasha” in Sanskrit is the first of the five great elements (pancha mahabhutus). It comes first because it is the most subtle of the elements. Often referred to as “space,” it is the essence of emptiness. It is the space the other elements fill. The origin of ether is shabda. Shabda is the tanmatra of sound, meaning that shabda is sound in its primordial, unmanifested form. Shabda is the primordial space from which vibration emerges long before it takes the form of sound in the ear. Sound and ether are inseparable.

Because of their intimate relationship, the ear is considered the associated sense organ of the element ether, and voice (mouth) is its organ of action. Hearing loss and loss of the voice are difficulties that are often due to vitiation of the ether element in the body.

Ether has qualities, but unlike the other elements, ether’s qualities are based more upon the absence of its opposing quality than on the actual quality itself. For instance, ether is cold. It is cold because it lacks warmth created by fire. Ether is light because it lacks the heaviness created by earth and water. Ether is immobile because it lacks the propulsive nature of air. Ether is subtle because it lacks the profound presence of the more obvious elements. Ether is also omnipresent. It is everywhere. It is the substratum from which all other elements are derived. Ether is a part of all other elements. Within any aspect of creation, ether may be found. Ether is the most expansive of the elements. Without form or boundaries, ether has no limits. Because of its expansive quality, ether is the cause of differentiation.

Unrestrained, ether awaits a propulsive force to assist it in moving outward from the center of oneness. As a result, its form is able to take shape and differences emerge. In the formation of the embryo, it is ether that is responsible for allowing change and growth to take place. Ether creates the space for the other elements to fill. That which is the most subtle and difficult to perceive is a function of the element ether. The mind is composed of ether. It is formless and nearly impossible to contain. While the mind becomes easily disturbed, ether represents the substratum upon which thoughts and emotions ride like waves upon the ocean. The sattvic or undisturbed mind is an expression of the essence of ether.

In the body, ether is expressed within the empty spaces. The hollow of the empty intestines, blood vessels, bladder, and the lungs are filled with ether. Vitiation of ether in the body results in an increase of space and a decrease in structure. The result is the destruction of tissue. Parkinson’s disease is an example of a condition where space is created in the body where once there was cellular structure. The loss of dopamine producing cells in the substantia nigra of the brain stem creates an increase in emptiness. A similar state is seen in the pancreas due to the destruction of islet cells.

Vitiation of space (ether) contributes to the symptomatic dysfunctions that follow. The vata dosha contains both ether and air. Hence, any vitiation of ether will ultimately result in a vitiation of vata. Therefore, one method of controlling vata dosha is to prevent ether from increasing. Ether is prevented from increasing by filling the emptiness in our lives. Our lives become full not by being busy, but by being nourished physically and emotionally. Proper nourishment acts as a container for ether and the vata dosha. Moist, heavy, satisfying foods pacify ether as the empty space of the digestive system becomes full. Emotionally, love is the highest form of nourishment. By taking in the other elements the natural tendencies of ether are pacified.

All of creation is made up of the five elements in different proportions. In our diet, the bitter taste contains the most ether, although ether by itself is tasteless. The bitter taste is composed of both ether and air, and it is air that provides the uniqueness of the taste. Consuming bitter foods is an excellent way to increase the influence of the ether element. This is wonderful if a person is overly constricted and driven by their routines. However, an excess of ether in the diet, especially the diet of the individual with a vata constitution, can result in the dosha becoming too expansive. While this increases creativity it also leads to becoming ungrounded. Obviously, a balance is desired.

Ayurveda is based upon the five elements of nature explains the relationship between the 5 elements in the following manner, “All elements originate from ether. Ether moves to become air, air causes friction to become fire, fire becomes water as it becomes denser, water becomes earth as it coagulates. And all five elements are contained in the Earth.”

Consciousness is Ether because they both have the qualities which are clear, subtle, light, expansive, and omnipresent. The 5 elements are the different manifestations of Awareness/Consciousness.

The Sanskrit words for the 5 elements are as follows:

Akasha (Ether, space)
Vayu (Air)
Tejas or Agni (Fire)
Apas (Water)
Prthivi (Earth)
The 5 elements and their associated organs and Chakras

Ether (ears, hearing) (throat)
Air (skin, touch) (heart)
Fire (eyes, seeing) (navel)
Water (tongue, taste buds, taste) (sacral)
Earth (nose, smell) (root)
The 5 elements and the Doshas

Vata – Air and Ether
Pitta – Fire and Water
Kapha – Water and Earth
The Doshas and their associated attributes (gunas)

Vata – Dry, Light, Cold, Rough, Subtle, Mobile, Clear
Pitta – Hot, Sharp, Light, Liquid, Mobile, Oily
Kapha – Heavy, slow/dull, cold, oily, liquid, slimy/smooth, dense, soft, static, sticky/cloudy, hard, gross
How we use the properties of 5 elements for healing in Ayurveda:

Heavy (Guru) – decreases Vata & Pitta, and increases Kapha; examples of substances with the heavy quality include meat, cheese, yogurt, sugar, sleeping for long periods of time, insufficient exercise. It is necessary for stability, increased grounding, and nourishment.
Light (Laghu) – decreases Kapha and increases Vata & Pitta; examples include Panchakarma, cleanses, heat, saunas lighten the body, mint leaves & cardamom seeds are light. It moves us to alertness, clarity, and attentiveness.
Slow/Dull (Manda) – decreases Vata & Pitta, increases Kapha; examples are rich fatty foods. It induces calmness, quietude and silence. Think of how heavy snow dulls traffic sounds and creates silence.
Sharp (Tikshna) – decrease Kapha and increases Vata & Pitta; spicy foods, cayenne pepper, and fire are examples. It aids learning, concentration, understanding and comprehension.
Cold (Shita) – decreases Pitta and increases Kapha & Vata; It aids the cooling down of burning sensations on the skin and in the body and an overactive mind. Examples would be cucumbers, cucumber water, aloe, plant juice, and lunar breath.
Hot (Ushna) – decreases Vata & Kapha and increases Pitta; It stimulates digestion, improves assimilation and circulation, promotes cleansing. Examples include: hot curry, hot chilies, cayenne pepper, horseradish, spicy mustard
Oily or Unctuous (Snigdha) – decrease Vata, increases Pitta & Kapha; Sesame oil and avocados are oily. We need this property for relaxation and creating moisture, lubrication, smoothness, and vigor. Oil represents love and compassion and nourishment. If we have problems with digesting oils on a physical level, there may be difficulties with expressing self-love on an emotional and spiritual level.
Dry (Ruksha) – decreases Pitta and Kapha, and increases Vata; the tannins in red wines, vinegars, and walnuts are examples. This quality stimulates fire. On a emotional and spiritual level, dryness is seen as loneliness or rejection or separation.
Slimy/Smooth (shlakshna) – decreases Vata and increases Pitta and Kapha; Cheeses, oils, avocado, tapioca, heavy sesame oil are examples; this quality makes the body flexible and lubricates the body which is very helpful in osteoporosis and arthritis.
Rough (Khara) – this quality decreases Kapha, increases Vata, and can both increase and decrease Pitta; examples include raw vegetables and beans; It facilitates the drying out of Kapha’s excess water; Fear is dry and rough.
Dense (Sandra) – decreases Vata & Pitta, and increases Kapha; examples are meat and cheese; it helps to create stability, a more grounded nature, strength, solidity.
Liquid/Flowing (Drava) – decreases Vata, increases Kapha, and mostly increases pitta; an example is water; this promotes salivation, cohesiveness, and compassion.
Soft (Mrudu) – decreases Vata & decreases imbalanced hard Pitta, increases Kapha, is a strong component of balanced Pitta; examples include ghee, water, bamboo; it creates softness, relaxations, tenderness, love, care.
Hard (Kathina) – decreases Kapha, increases Vata, can both increase imbalanced hard Pitta; examples include metals, insensitivity, selfishness, callousness; It aids the development of strength.
Static (Sthira) – decreases the mobility of Vata, and the fluidity of Pitta; it increase Kapha; examples include ayurvedic yoga therapy with static poses, sitting quietly, meditation, quieting the senses and the mind; it is needed for creating stability, security, confidence, more grounding, and healing.
Mobile (Chala) – decreases Kapha and increases Vata & Pitta; examples include ayurvedic yoga therapy with dynamic and flowing poses, exercise and physical activity; It is needed to loosen stagnation, stuckness, lethargy, excess weight, and heaviness symptoms like congestion.
Subtle (Sukshma) – decreases Kapha, and increases Vata & Pitta; examples are drugs, herbs, marijuana, alcohol; This aids the lightening of a dense and heavy nature. So herbal cigarettes made with Ayurvedic herbs help to lighten both heaviness in the body and mind.
Gross (Sthula) – decreases Vata & Pitta and increases Kapha; examples include meat and cheese; this is helpful for increasing strength in the body especially for Vata types.
Clear (Vishada/Visada) – decreases Kapha, increases Vata & Pitta; examples include water, fire, mind clearing herbs like vacha, cleansing with purgatives, and enemas. This property helps with the lightening process.
Sticky (Picchila) or Cloudy/Turbid (avila) – decreases Vata & Pitta, and increases Kapha; examples include dairy products. This aids the strengthening and stabilizing process.

The winter is the season of ether. The season of ether begins after the leaves have fallen and earth is barren. Nature intends for everything and everyone to become lighter at this time. There is a danger of becoming too light at this time if the proper precautions are not taken. Thus, human beings have historically prepared for this season by storing up food and other supplies to see them through this period of emptiness. In the cycle of life, death is the time of ether. The body disintegrates and the elements flee their boundaries. All that remains is the subtly of our spirit.

Ether characterizes the elemental make up of the individualized soul while it maintains its separateness from the whole of Purusha. Purusha itself is unmanifested, and thus in accordance with the principles of Sankhya philosophy precedes the manifestation of all elements. Hence, it is subtler still than ether, and because of this, it is far beyond our ability to capture it in words. Purusha is without attributes. Purusha is the primordial essence of ether.

What is meant by “Aether” as the fifth element ? Question
What is meant by “Aether” as the fifth element? You have said that the fifth element is actually Consciousness, but in order to interface with the current philosophies acupuncturists and oriental medicine in general, you are naming it Aether (sometimes referred to as “void “) Where did the word Aether come from ?

To start with, let’s look at its origin:

Aether was the fifth element in alchemical chemistry and early physics. It was the name given to the material that was believed to fill the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere. The belief in aether as an element was held by medieval alchemists, Greeks, Buddhists, Hindus, the Japanese, and the Tibetan Bon.

You may wonder why I use the previous traditions’ term when we know this fifth element to be consciousness . What everybody is talking about , whether they know it or not , is the five directions (left, right, in front, behind and within).

These directions are found in the Kabbala as “the tree of life” , in the Toltec traditions to identify proclivities , in Native American Sacred ceremonies, and more.
It is found in our teachings as the massive multi-universes’ microcosms known as the Field of Dreaming , Field of Awakening, Field of Intent, Field of the One – and beyond that the Unfathomable Field of Consciousness . That which lies beyond atomic matter (“beyond the terrestrial sphere”).

For ages the qualities of these five directions , these five elements have been studied, yielding a great deal of valid information. Our studies of the nature of existence in the various macrocosms, is in fact the study of the five elements. It greatly adds to whatever has correctly been deduced about the nature of these elements over centuries. The terms we use don’t really matter. Using familiar ones, assist those who have studied them to build on previous knowledge, rather than reinvent the wheel.

Alchemy and Science and Learn the different meanings of aether or luminous aether

There are two related science definitions for the term "aether", as well as other non-scientific meanings.

(1) Aether was the fifth element in alchemical chemistry and early physics. It was the name given to the material that was believed to fill the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere. The belief in aether as an element was held by medieval alchemists, Greeks, Buddhists, Hindus, the Japanese, and the Tibetan Bon. Ancient Babylonians believed the fifth element to be the sky. The fifth element in the Chinese Wu-Xing was metal rather than aether.

(2) Aether was also considered the medium that carried light waves in space by 18th and 19th Century scientists. Luminiferous ether was proposed in order to explain the capacity of light to propagate through apparently empty space. The Michelson-Morley experiment (MMX) led scientists to realize there was no aether and that light was self-propagating.

Key Takeaways Aether Definition in Science
While there are several definitions of "aether," only two pertain to science.
The first is that aether was believed to be the substance that filled invisible space. In early history, this substance was believed to be an element.
The second definition was that luminiferous aether was the medium through which light traveled. The Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887 demonstrated light did not require a medium for propagation.
In modern physics, aether is most often connoted with a vacuum or three-dimensional space devoid of matter.

Michelson-Morley Experiment and Aether
The MMX experiment was performed at what is now Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio in 1887 by Albert A. Michelson and Edward Morley. The experiment used an interferometer to compare the speed of light in perpendicular directions. The point of the experiment was to determine the relative motion of matter through the aether wind or luminiferous aether. It was believed light required a medium in order to move, similar to the way sound waves require a medium (e.g., water or air) to propagate. Since it was known light could travel in a vacuum, it was believed the vacuum must be filled with a substance called aether. Since the Earth would revolve around the Sun through the aether, there would be a relative motion between the Earth and the aether (the aether wind). Thus, the speed of light would be affected by whether the light was moving in the direction of the Earth's orbit or perpendicular to it. The negative results were published in the same year and followed up with experiments of increased sensitivity.

The MMX experiment led to the development of the theory of special relativity, which does not rely on any aether for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation. The Michelson-Morley experiment is considered to be the most famous "failed experiment".

(3) The word aether or ether may be used to describe apparently empty space. In Homeric Greek, the word aether refers to the clear sky or pure air. It was believed to be the pure essence breathed by gods, while man required air to breathe. In the modern usage, aether simply refers to invisible space (e.g., I lost my email to the aether.)

Alternate Spellings: Æther, ether, luminous aether, luminiferous aether, aether wind, light-bearing ether

Commonly Confused With: Aether is not the same thing as the chemical substance, ether, which is the name given to a class of compounds containing an ether group. An ether group consists of an oxygen atom connected to two aryl groups or alkyl groups.

Aether Symbol in Alchemy
Unlike many alchemical "elements", aether does not have a commonly accepted symbol. Most often, it was represented by a simple circle.

What is Aether? Aether is a unique essence of life force energy that flows through the universe and most of existence. The source of Quintessence, Chi, Aura, and Mana.

One claim is that Aether is the pure essence that the Mythological gods lived and breathed in the same way humans did with air.

Another claim is that Aether is the force used by God himself to create the Universe. Another reference would be the Hermeticist book "The Kybalion" that not only explain its nature but the plane it comes from.

There have been many claims and theories made by alchemists, philosophers, and scientists, such as Nikola Tesla, and Dayton Miller that confirm the Aether's power.

“Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena.

My second discovery was of a physical truth of the greatest importance. As I have searched the entire scientific records in more than a half dozen languages for a long time without finding the least anticipation, I consider myself the original discoverer of this truth, which can be expressed by the statement: There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment.” ― Nikola Tesla

Ancient sages from the lineage of Shaiva Tantra, recognized that a pulsing energy, which they called spanda, is at the heart of all phenomena. They also believed that these vibrating pulses of conscious energy, have an emotional flavour which is bliss . This pulse is considered the form that Shakti, the feminine aspect of god, takes when she whirls out of the enduring, timeless field of consciousness, Shiva (the masculine aspect of god), and dances it into different temporary structures and creations; atoms, stars, planets, life, us. The Universe is therefore essentially an ecstatic dance of the goddess. If we can unravel the temporal form of stuff, the fiber at its heart, is a pulse of quivering love. ‘Spanda is the pulsation of the ecstasy of Divine Consciousness’ Abhinavagupta
The recognition that Shakti is at the heart of all, that we are just blissfully pulsing packets of Spanda, allows for a more inclusive attitude to our minds, to ourselves, to creating and living in this life. Everything is sacred at some level, spun from the fiber of consciousness. Everything can be used as path back to the arms of the Divine. Every arising in your field of awareness, in your life, can ultimately be unraveled back to this pulse of bliss. ‘Satchitananada’ is a Sanskrit term that states this-‘Sat’ ultimate reality/truth of ‘Chit’ consciousness is ‘Ananda’ Bliss. - "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla

Secrets of the Universe - Energy, Frequency and Vibration . 369 HZ Nikola Tesla Genius Brainwave Frequency focuses on what Nikola Tesla called the magic numbers 3, 6, 9 and the healing and banishing energy of the 369 HZ frequency. This frequency clears away negative energy. Dedicated to Nikola Tesla and the contribution he made to humanity.

“Ether is the medium for every electromagnetic wave, from radio waves to gamma rays.” ― Nikola Tesla

Ether Element: Symbolism, Meaning, Functions The ether element, also known as space and Aakash in Sanskrit is the first and the most subtle element of the Pancha tatva. This element is the essence of emptiness and the space provided by it is filled by other 4 elements; earth, water, fire and air.

The ear is the related sense organ associated with the ether element whereas the mouth is the organ of action.

The qualities of ether are not inherent but it takes up the qualities due to the absence of the properties of the other 4 elements.

Ether is cold because it lacks the warmth of the fire, it is light in weight as it lacks the heaviness of earth and water, and it is immobile as it lacks the mobility and fluid nature of air.

It has been called a subtle element as you cannot feel its profound presence yet it is present everywhere. This element has no boundaries and thus forms a part of all the other elements.

Ether gives space for the other elements to exist, and in our body, all the movement is done within this empty space. The hollowness of the head, mouth, nose, ears, intestines, lungs, food pipe, heart, stomach, bladder, uterus, are all representative of the ether element.

This emptiness or hollowness gives space for the organs to take their place and the other 4 elements to make them function optimally.

The symbolism of the ether element
In various cultures, the element of ether has been seen as a spiritual element. It is considered a bridge between the cosmos and the terrestrial world. Due to its emptiness, subtleness and omnipresence, it is considered as all-pervading.

The ether element is also called spirit as it is not present in a physical form. Even though this element doesn’t have a symbol, it is often represented as a circle, spiral, or eight-spoked wheel.

Quintessence is also a term that is quite often used for ether as it denotes the “heavenly bodies” present in the universe such as the stars and galaxies.

Let us have a look at how ether is symbolic in various aspects.

The Ayurveda considers ether as the space through which all the movement and functions of the organs take place.

The space in the uterus is where the fetus is developed.

The hollowness of the lungs allows you to breathe in oxygen and how the hollowness of the heart allows it to pump and fill itself with blood.

The space in the food pipe helps in swallowing the food and reaching the stomach. The intestines or the guts absorb the nutrients.

The space in the head is acquired by the brain and the bones of the skull also protect it.

The space in the ear, nose, and mouth helps you to hear, smell/breathe and talk.

Even the pores in the skin, from where the sweat is released are also a form of space from where the toxins are let out.

When talking about dosha, air and ether make up the vata dosha, therefore even the imbalance of ether leads to an imbalance of vata.

Also, any imbalances in the other 4 elements also cause the restriction or expansion of the ether or space within the body.

Spiritual, Historical and Cultural
In Greek mythology, ether is what God breathes. The ether is also referred to as a deity, Aether, who is the son of Erebus (deity of darkness) and Nyx (Goddess of Night).

Aristotle was the first one to introduce a fifth element which was present in the celestial regions, moved circularly, and did not possess qualities like the classical elements (air, water, fire, and earth). It was quite later that the commentators of this philosophy started calling this element aether.

The concept of ether has also been used to explain the concept of gravitation, light, and how the pressure of ether is responsible for the density of the planets.

In the Hindu culture, the word Akash is said to be derived from the Sanskrit root word kas which means “to be”. In Vedic Sanskrit, akash has a masculine noun whereas in Classical Sanskrit it takes a neutral gender.

It is believed that space was the first element that was created and the rest followed later. The word akasha is also seen as one of the 1008 names of Lord Shiva.

The Jains refer to this element as space. It is one of the six substances or dravyas that encompasses soul, matter, the principle of motion, the principle of rest, and the principle of time.

As the characteristic of ether is sound, it becomes obvious that Vishuddha or the Throat Chakra is related to this element. It is this area where the voice box is located and your ability to speak and be heard is all dependent on the throat.

It is one of the chakras where the energy becomes blocked or imbalanced quite easily.

Functions of the ether element The basic function of ether is to provide a space to exist. In your body, the organs, bones, tissues, cells occupy a specific space. Their optimal functioning as well is dependent on the space provided by compression, expansion, and movement between or within those organs.

Imbalances in the ether element
Ether is also an element that is easily affected by the imbalances caused by other elements. For example, when you have a cold due to excess water, excess mucus can block your nasal cavity. Similarly, in case of acidity due to excess fire element, bloating can cause your abdomen to swell. This can take up the space of other organs.

Moreover, by paying attention to the sounds emitted from your body, you can also identify whether you have any ether imbalances. Wheezing, gurgling sounds from the stomach, cracking of joints, abnormal sounds from the heart, etc are a few signs which will let you know that you need to work on the ether element.

Thus, imbalances can be due to other elements and disturbances within the ether element itself.

Some of the signs for imbalances are listed below.

Excess ether element
Spaciness, sense of detachment
Destruction of tissues which causes diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease
Ungrounded, dizziness, restlessness
Heart palpitations
Muscle spasm
Deficient Ether Element
Stubborn, inflexible
Tightness in channels
Muscle soreness due to restriction
Other signs of imbalances can be seen as thyroid disorders, throat problems, speech disorders, epilepsy, madness, ear diseases, weight gain, heart-related problems, etc.

Practices to Balance ether element in body
The season of winter is considered to be the season of ether hence all the practices should be aimed at avoiding any severe lightness. Yoga, meditation, pranayama, diet, and nature walks are some easy yet extremely powerful ways through which you can keep your ether element in balance.

We have listed some ways through which you can connect to your element easily.

For excess ether
In case of excess ether element, you can follow the following practices;

Moist and heavy foods will help in filling up the physical emptiness in your stomach. Eating warm-cooked meals will be helpful in decreasing the element.

For emotional emptiness, surround yourself with loving people, taking up activities related to sound or voice such as singing, reading, etc.

Make sure to go to bed by 10 pm and get a restful sleep.

Performing the Shoonya Mudra, placing the tip of your middle finger at the base of the thumb and gently pressing the back of the finger with the thumb, will decrease the space element.

For deficient ether
In case of deficiency of ether element, you can follow the following practices to increase it;

Incorporate bitter foods into your diet. It is known to have both air and ether elements and this taste is known to cleanse the body and create more space.

Try to let more light into your routine. Go out for a walk in the morning, open your windows to let in more sunlight, or watch the sunrise. Light helps in “waking” up your body, activating your digestive system at the right time, enhancing focus, and resetting your body clocks.

Do not control your natural urges such as thirst, sleep, hunger, urine, etc as it may result in constriction of space.

Practising Humming Bee Breath or Brahmari Pranayama will be beneficial in increasing ether element proportion as it helps stimulate the throat and also unblock the sinus.

Also, you can practice the Aakash Mudra by joining the tips of the middle finger and the thumb, to increase the space element.

Almost all yoga poses will be beneficial in balancing the ether element as yoga helps in bringing awareness to the breath and calming the mind. It also helps loosen and strengthen the muscles that will prevent the onset of diseases or ailments.

Restorative yoga poses will help in self-reflection and improve mental clarity. Whereas intense, hot, or Bikram yoga forms will help in producing sweat and in turn aid in detoxification.

Mantra chanting during meditation will help stimulate not only the throat but the enhanced vibrations will help you connect to the cosmos.

Though ether or space may seem like nothing but emptiness, it imbibes within itself everything and anything that you can see and perceive. The entire universe is a space that has millions of stars, galaxies, and other gaseous or solid matter. The earth is a small part of that vast space and humans are an even smaller part of the cosmos.

Within us, all the organs, nerves, veins, cells, and every single molecule that builds the structure of the body acquires space.

Thus, even though ether has a more spiritual connotation, it doesn’t lose its importance in comparison to the other more physically abundant elements.

Holding back a flood of conspiracies
Though the Tartarian Empire seemed to wink into existence in the past few years, the themes its believers explore are familiar ones. Conspiracy theories are a way to channel restive populism in the face of rapid social and demographic change, Ditto says, and there’s plenty of that going around. They are also a way to gather up amorphous fears and put them in a specific place, to make them more manageable. Ditto calls this “over-intentionalization.

“If your fate is controlled by impersonal, systemic forces, it doesn’t offer you much control over your own destiny,” he says. “But if you can localize it to a small group of people whose motives you understand — they are out to get you — then it at least offers some hope that you can overcome their malevolent intentions.”

Belief in conspiracy theories can also be driven by loneliness, isolation and economic hardship, which made a pandemic a fertile Petri dish, and helped QAnon’s believers storm the Capitol by force and through the ballot box. The social atomization forced on us by Covid-19 is a hyperbolic retelling of the Tower of Babel (which has a special place in Tartarian lore) and its attendant anxiety at fracturing and divided cultures. The great reset that erased that tower — and the fabulous, fictional empire that built it — continues to reverberate, splintering us into ever-stranger factions.

And Ditto says it does seem like reality is getting harder to decipher. The internet has made it easier to disseminate misinformation while eroding faith in the media hierarchies that once filtered it out. Polarization and a lack of trust in government and institutions creates a feedback loop, where leaders can’t solve problems because their political bases are too narrow, and the resulting failures engender more distrust. It’s not a new cycle — despite a spike in media attention, there’s not much evidence that conspiratorial thinking is more common now than in years past — but technology can make these currents of collective delusion more powerful, and harder to ignore.

The basic human desires for community, stories (the more outrageous the better) and the need to feel like a protagonist in a wider struggle are what pulls us from moments of real social, economic and cultural dislocation into fabricated histories. Buildings and cities are made to grow old, to outlast people, and to be a testament to these cultural histories. They’re a yardstick for a culture’s ability to endure. When they’re not given the chance to do this, the contradiction can break something loose, and send people scavenging for cultural memory that feels ancient enough to anchor them in an uncertain now.

If anything, the world is consistent; no one in any country has a clue how to rebuild the castles found in their own countries.

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Archaix 2.0 Doomsday Chronology Five color charts with extensive Legend-chronology; exhibits 62 dates involving 300 events in linear timeline combining the Phoenix and Nemesis X Object appearances, the Mayan Long-Count baktuns and the Anunnaki NER 600 year periods, a history spanning over 74 centuries to May 2040 and November 2046.

The Lost History of Earth (Ewaranon) W0W - A Must See Video Lost Earth
Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

The Secret Life of Symbols with Jordan Maxwell Knowledge of the Heavens, Life on Earth

Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity

This 11.5 Hrs. Full Documentary With Sound Is About Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity.

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

A Must See Video What On Earth Happened Parts (14) All 13 Parts Together

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.
0:00 - Part One: "Turning Inwards"
7:19 - Part Two: "Of Maps and Magicians"
34:40 - Part Three: "Flattening the Curve"
57:16 - Part Four: "Vanishing Points & the Old Clock"
1:21:34 - Part Five: "The Red Shield"
1:47:28 - Part Six: "Infiltration Instead of Invasion"
2:11:36 - Part Seven: "Eyes Wide Open"
3:01:55 - Part Eight: "The Looking Glass"
3:59:06 - Part Nine: "Panic"
4:37:30 - Part Ten: "The Energetic Earth"
5:24:53 - Part Eleven: "The Bumblebee & the Hexagon"
6:07:37 - Part Twelve: "Stranger than Fiction"
7:04:43 - Part Thirteen: "Down the Rabbit Hole"

Welcome To New World Order Year Zero – What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? All Info. shared for non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. As with the other video, this is not monetized by me, and now I understand it's not monetized by ewar either. He's using music that has copyrights, a lot of it, which is ok as the original composers are getting some well deserved backpay on these pieces :). Anyway, there is no money or incentive here just in-form-at-ion.

A Must See Video Everyone - All 14 Parts - What On Earth Happened ? – Links Below !

Welcome To New World Order Year Zero – What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? All Info. shared for non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. As with the other video, this is not monetized by me, and now I understand it's not monetized by ewar either. He's using music that has copyrights, a lot of it, which is ok as the original composers are getting some well deserved backpay on these pieces :). Anyway, there is no money or incentive here just in-form-at-ion.

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

00:00:00 - Episode 1: Questioning His-story
00:13:25 - Episode 2: A Lens Into The Past
00:38:28 - Episode 3: Inheritors Of Mud & Magnificence
01:19:19 - Episode 4: Back To The Future
02:15:38 - Episode 5: The Whispering Of The Water
03:27:28 - Episode 6: Offerus And The Alchemist
04:31:57 - Episode 7: The Known World

Maybe the History we've been told is a lie! Were some ancient buildings built by a different race and their true history was covered up? Did ancient peoples have advanced forms of technology that have now been forgotten?

Was the massive kingdom of Tartaria visible on ancient maps much more advanced than we realize? This sub is an open forum for collaborative discussion of all topics "Tartaria" related, including Mud Flood, Tesla, AntiquiTech, Free Energy, Conspiracies, Hidden History, etc.

I wonder if this video has been posted here before? If yes, then i am not sorry for posting it again, because its just one helluva epic video. If not, I highly recommend watching it if you are interested in perhaps how Tartarian technology worked.

Its made by a guy who calls himself Ewaranon. Its put well together with a lot of great evidence, theories and findings of multiple topics. Its a long watch, I agree.....but its divided into several chapters. I recommend watching the first 20 or 30 min and see if it interests/sparks you. It sure got my attention as Ewaranon points out a lot of strange stuff in our world....and the narrative we know from history books. I am still thinking about all the stuff he said and points out to us. As its a lot to deal with and can shake one up. I find it fascinating though.

But the tip of the iceberg is that this video also perhaps has the only real video footage of Tartarian technology. At one point he explains how Cathedrals and other old buildings really work, as in that they are energy generators. And after his explanation he shows footage of them and some other buildings in action. Fully electrified and radiating with a lot of light.

The Lost History of Earth (Ewaranon) W0W - A Must See Video Lost Earth – Links Below !

Why Do Some Scientists Say That We Are Living A Real Construct Matrix Simulation

We Are Living A Real Construct Matrix Simulation New World Order Year Zero is a prominent advocate of the simulation hypothesis, suggesting there's a very slim chance we exist in the base reality. He famously remarked, "There's a billion to one chance we're living in base reality." This viewpoint is shared by an increasing number of academics. Exploring the likelihood of our existence within a simulation, examining supporting evidence, and considering the potential implications of such a reality is the focus of this discussion. Do we live in a simulation? Some physicists and philosophers believe that we are living in a simulation, a reality in which post-humans have not developed yet and we are actually living in reality. The simulation hypothesis suggests that we are all likely living in an extremely powerful computer program, and future generations might have mega-computers that can run numerous and detailed simulations of their forebears, in other words “ancestor simulations,” in which simulated beings are imbued with a sort of artificial consciousness. The simulation hypothesis is the latest in a long tradition of philosophical thinking that questions the ultimate nature of the reality we experience. If we do live in a simulation, it is likely that a great deal of our universe is “painted in,” leading to solipsism, the idea that we are the only person who really exists.

Creationism is a religious belief that nature, including the universe, Earth, life, and humans, originated with supernatural acts of divine creation. It includes a continuum of religious views that vary in their acceptance or rejection of scientific explanations such as evolution. The term creationism most often refers to belief in special creation, where the universe and lifeforms were created by divine action, and the only true explanations are those that are compatible with a Christian fundamentalist literal interpretation of the creation myth found in the Bible's Genesis creation narrative.

Kybalion A Study Guide Hermetic Philosophy Aether, 7 Chakras, 7 Hermetic Principles

The Kybalion is a book originally published in 1908 by "Three Initiates" that purports to convey the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. A modern Hermetic tract, it has been widely influential in New Age circles since the twentieth century. A central concept in the book is that there are "seven Hermetic principles, upon which the entire Hermetic philosophy is based".
The Seven Hermetic Principles are a set of universal principles that were taught by Hermetic Initiates and Masters to their Neophytes. These principles include Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender. These teachings were not understood by the lay person in ancient times, but were readily understood by students after the axioms and principles were explained and exemplified by the Hermetic Initiates and Masters to their Neophytes. The Kybalion, a concise work on 'The Hermetic Philosophy,' outlines these principles, which were not understood by the lay person in ancient times but were readily understood by students after the axioms and principles were explained and exemplified by the Hermetic Initiates and Masters to their Neophytes.

CHAPTERS: - 00:00:57 - Introduction - 00:10:01 - The Hermetic Philosophy
- 00:21:09 - The Seven Hermetic Principles - 00:41:21 - Mental Transmutation
- 00:50:28 - The All - 01:03:47 - The Mental Universe - 01:17:17 - The Divine Paradox - 01:37:18 - “The All” in All - 01:56:07 - The Planes of Correspondence
- 02:22:02 - Vibration - 02:34:08 - Polarity - 02:45:08 - Rhythm - 02:58:47 - Causation - 03:12:34 - Gender - 03:23:44 - Mental Gender - 03:44:25 - Hermetic Axioms

The 7 Hermetic Principles & How To Use Them To Improve Your Life Many have sought to understand the natural laws that govern our universe. Some say there are 12, while others, like Hermes Trismegistus, say there are seven. Trismegistus explains the foundational laws of our reality in his seven hermetic principles. Here's what these principles are all about and how we can all use them as a source of inspiration and empowerment.

Welcome To New World Order Year Zero – What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? All Info. shared for non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. As with the other video, this is not monetized by me, and now I understand it's not monetized by ewar either. He's using music that has copyrights, a lot of it, which is ok as the original composers are getting some well deserved backpay on these pieces :). Anyway, there is no money or incentive here just in-form-at-ion.

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