Officer involved in Eddie Irizarry shooting will be fired | USA TODAY

1 year ago

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw suspended Officer Mark Dial after new video contradicted his story in the death of Eddie Irizarry.

Police initially said last Monday that Irizarry got out of his car after a brief car chase with a knife and lunged at officers prior to the fatal shooting. Two days later, Outlaw told reporters that body camera footage "made it very clear what we initially reported was not actually what happened."

On Tuesday, Irizarry family attorney Shaka Johnson released surveillance video of the incident, which showed an officer shooting into the driver's side of Irizarry's vehicle seconds after getting out of his police vehicle. Johnson, who also represented the family of Philadelphia police shooting victim Walter Wallace Jr., said he and the Irizarry family believe "there was an intentional misleading of the public."

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