Tel Aviv is a city without stopping walking on Allenby Street.

1 year ago

Tel Aviv is a city without stopping walking on Allenby Street.
These days, one of the most important and main streets in Tel Aviv turned 100 years old. Allenby Street which used to be the commercial center. and the new main street of the city of Tel Aviv..
The length of the street is 2.8 km starting from its end closest to the beach at the promenade and the fountain in the northwest. And ends at Moshevat Square and the beginning of Aliya Street in the center-east. The heyday of the street was in the 1920s and 1930s. A European style street.
The street has seen quite a few ups and downs. In the distant past it was the hottest place in town. When in the late 80's it deteriorated and attracted mainly people who were looking to spend time in strip clubs. Sex shops. and movie theaters that screened pornographic films. and stale hotels. And today it is on its way to undergo a transformation and is expected to become a major tourist axis.

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