Cotton Eyed Bubba

1 year ago

Compilation of the Leatherface killer in Dead by Daylight, a licensed killer based on the same character Bubba Sawyer from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series.

Song: Cotton Eye Joe - Rednex

Leatherface has a relatively straightforward 'power'. He will use his chainsaw in a sweeping motion to down survivors in one hit. You start with 3 charges to use at the start of the game with one add on allowing for 4 charges instead of 3.

You will consume 1 charge to start the chainsaw sweeping attack and you can consume additional charges to extend the chainsaw sweep. You have to time the consumption of charges carefully as the length of the sweep resets the moment you consume a charge. This means that to maximize the use of each charge you'll need to consume a charge just before you are about to run out of time for your chainsaw sweep attack.

The chainsaw can be rather powerful as it gives you a small speed boost making it easier to catch up to survivors, you can instantly break downed pallets and destruct-able doors, and you can potentially down multiple survivors if they're all grouped together.

The major downside to this power is that if you collide with any obstacles/walls whilst using the chainsaw sweep ability. If you collide with a wall/obstacle when using the chainsaw Leatherface will enter a tantrum where he will remain mostly still and flail the chainsaw around for several seconds consuming all the charges.

The charges take a few seconds to recharge so you have to use the charges carefully. One of the other weaknesses for Leatherface are windows, smart survivors will jump through windows to try to escape from Leatherface's chainsaw.

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