Dr. Jane Ruby - To the COVID Jabbed, “You ARE the Experiment” - 9/24/21

1 year ago

Dr. Ruby was interviewed on The Sons of Liberty show. Below is the link to the documentation she cites that proves that everyone injected with the Pfizer COVID-19 clot shot is taking part in an experimental human drug trial. There is a huge range of doses being given depending on which control group a particular test subject is in. A certain percentage of test subjects (the lucky ones) are in various placebo groups and probably being injected with saline solution:
Pfizer Protocol for COVID-19 Clot Shot: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04368728?term=NCT04368728&draw=2&rank=1

Full Interview: https://rumble.com/vmv251-dr.-jane-ruby-how-much-more-information-do-we-need-before-we-stop-this-geno.html http://drjaneruby.com/

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