Catholic VS Protestant

1 year ago

In Catholicism, the Magisterium is the authoritative teaching body led by the Pope, making official pronouncements. Protestants lack an equivalent, emphasizing individual interpretation.

Catholics accept both Scripture and tradition as authoritative, while Protestants prioritize Scripture alone, a key difference influencing their theological approaches.

Protestants emphasize salvation by faith alone, while Catholics view it as a process involving grace through Church participation and sacraments.

Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation holds that elements become Christ's body and blood. Protestants differ, with some holding consubstantiation (coexistence) and others memorializing the event.

Protestants see justification as a one-time declaration of righteousness through Christ, while Catholics view it as both a point and process, rejecting full imputed righteousness.

Protestants emphasize the priesthood of all believers, allowing mutual confession and forgiveness among believers. Catholic priests historically had a distinct role in forgiveness.

Catholics venerate saints and Mary, praying through them for intercession. Protestants focus on direct access to God, with no equivalent veneration of saints or Mary.

These differences stem from contrasting perspectives on authority, tradition, salvation, sacraments, and the role of believers within the Church.

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