Episode 411: Out Of Control Republic With Justice No More

1 year ago

Full description at: https://bit.ly/3qS39IA

Can there be an out of control republic with justice no more?

Before we get to the meat we have to move through the carrots, potatoes, herbs and gravy of 1996 when the U. S. began being governed by a de facto parliament. Consider my comments on Pelosi pulling parliamentary moves to stop House members from challenging the 2020 election on January 6. See the References below for details on this.

Now to the Anti-Federalist Cato in reference to an out of control republic:
‘In large republics, the public good is sacrificed to a thousand views...in a large one, there are men of large fortunes, and consequently of less moderation; there are too great deposits to trust in the hands of a single subject, an ambitious person soon becomes sensible that he may be happy, great, and glorious by oppressing his fellow citizens, and that he might raise himself to grandeur, on the ruins of his country.’

Governor George Clinton of New York warned that large republics end up as consolidated governments. He write under the pseudonym ‘Cato.’ This week I discuss, Anti-Federalist No. 14, Extent of Territory under Consolidated Government Too Large to Preserve Liberty or Protect Property (Read Cato essay No. III here).
This remonstrance to the new constitution focuses on the consolidation of independent republics into one national / federal republic to which Cato shows and predicts: (my emphasis in bold underline)

‘...whoever seriously considers the immense extent of territory comprehended within the limits of the United States, together with the variety of its climates, productions, and commerce, the difference of extent, and number of inhabitants in all; the dissimilitude of interest, morals, and politics, in almost every one, will receive it as an intuitive truth, that a consolidated republican form of government therein, can never form a perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to you and your posterity, for to these objects it must be directed. This unkindred legislature therefore, composed of interests opposite and dissimilar in their nature, will in its exercise, emphatically be like a house divided against itself.’

Here is the futuristic words of our present:
Read the rest at: https://bit.ly/3qS39IA

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