Fort Bowie Part 02

1 year ago

Arizona had many old forts and encampments dating back to the civil and Indian wars. Most of these camps and/or their remains are on private property, Fort Bowie being one of the exceptions.

This wasn't a planned trip, we did the fort, but did not get to the cemetery, stage station etc; we will do a future video about those.

In 1886, after the Apache were subdued, the fort was used as a travelers' stop until it was abandoned in 1894. In 1911 the property was sold at auction and in 1964 it was turned into a National Historic site.

This is part 02 of a two part series. A third part will be done later to get the spots we missed in these two.

Here is a link to some information about Fort Bowie and some of it's history.

Song: Western Drive
By: Vislevski

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00:00 Intro
00:49 Walking Around
01:00 The reservoir
02:40 Officer's row and flag pole
04:15 Infantry barracks
04:30 Mess hall
04:48 Adjutant's office
05:15 School
05:47 Post Trader
06:34 Old Hospital
07:35 Guard house and bakery
08:51 Powder Magazine
10:36 Ranger Station

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