'He Gets Us': The Good, the Bad & the Unbiblical | Ep 753

2 years ago

Today we're discussing the 'He Gets Us' campaign, as promised! The $100 million advertising campaign seeks to promote Jesus and Christianity through TV spots in prime time, billboards, and social media feeds. These ads portray Jesus as a refugee, an activist, and an influencer, among other characteristics, and aim to communicate his relatability to modern problems (ultimately leading people to the "He Gets Us" site). Two of these ads ran in last night's Super Bowl and made big waves among Christians and non-Christians. One of the problems with the campaign is its claims about Jesus, which are not entirely accurate and/or are missing important context. The campaign does not align with any specific denomination or doctrine, but rather seeks to partner with churches and organizations who can use its resources for outreach. We discuss the major concerns of the campaign, but also highlight some of the good that can come from it. It's exciting to see a campaign like "He Gets Us" put big money behind helping people connect with Jesus, and we've already heard good stories of people hearing the gospel, but we can still remain wary of some of the campaign's messages that lack context and historical accuracy.

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(00:00) Intro
(02:14) Super Bowl national anthem(s) & Rhianna
(07:25) Super Bowl commercials
(14:33) ‘He Gets Us & discernment
(18:42) About ‘He Gets Us’
(37:09) The bad & unbiblical
(55:35) The good


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Birch Gold — protect your future with gold. Text 'ALLIE' to 989898 for a free, zero obligation info kit on diversifying and protecting your savings with gold.

My Patriot Supply — prepare yourself for anything with long-term emergency food storage. Save $200 off a Three-Month Emergency Food Kit (and free shipping) when you go to PrepareWithAllie.com.

Reliefband — save 20% off plus free shipping at Reliefband.com when you use promo code 'ALLIE'!

PublicSq. — download the PublicSq app from the App Store or Google Play, create a free account, and begin your search for freedom-loving businesses!



He Gets Us: https://hegetsus.com/en?gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=CjwKCAiAzp6eBhByEiwA_gGq5CqZ3EuYmWmMQnXrwl88iIKIOFVJUhT0ai7TSZol8OqAfr1gtAs5AxoCfbUQAvD_BwE

Christianity Today: "$100M Ad Campaign Aims to Make Jesus the ‘Biggest Brand in Your City’" https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2022/march/he-gets-us-ad-campaign-branding-jesus-church-marketing.html

Slate: "The Backstory to That Jesus Ad at the Super Bowl" https://slate.com/human-interest/2023/02/jesus-ad-superbowl-he-gets-us.html


Relevant Episodes:

Ep 698 | Aliens, Nephilim, Bigfoot & the Bible | Guest: Nate Henry & Luke Rodgers (Blurry Creatures) https://apple.co/3RSO7vr


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'He Gets Us': The Good, the Bad & the Unbiblical | Ep 753

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