What Really Happens at Pregnancy Centers? | Guest: Leanne Jamieson | Ep 764

2 years ago

Today we’re joined by Leanne Jamieson, executive director at Prestonwood Pregnancy Center, to talk about what really goes on at pregnancy centers. In the aftermath of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, pregnancy centers across the country have found themselves targets of vandalism and vitriol, most notably from Elizabeth Warren, who deemed them “dangerous.” Leanne sets the record straight, explaining that these are centers where women come to be loved, served, and given actual choices that Planned Parenthood would never present. We go through exactly what happens when a woman enters Prestonwood Pregnancy Center and how the center serves both long-term and holistically. Leanne shares some stories of how God is working in these centers, as well as what PPC was able to do with all of our listeners’ generous donations after the “Elizabeth Warren Exposes Very Scary Pregnancy Center” parody video last year.

You can give to the Prestonwood Pregnancy Center registry here: https://amzn.to/3SHrBWE

#news #politics #christianity



(00:00) Intro
(01:34) Interview with Leanne begins
(03:00) Leanne's testimony / giving women choices
(09:55) Process for a woman entering PPC
(14:46) Stories of women in need
(26:50) Criticism of pregnancy centers
(39:34) "Pro-choice" beliefs
(49:25) Needs of the mother/baby after birth
(56:05) Encouragement
(01:01:30) Impact of Relatable listeners' generosity


Today's Sponsors:

My Patriot Supply — prepare yourself for anything with long-term emergency food storage. Get $200 of survival gear when you buy a Three-Month Emergency Food Kit when you go to https://PrepareWithAllie.com.

Carly Jean Los Angeles — use promo code 'ALLIEB' to save 20% off your first order at https://CarlyJeanLosAngeles.com!

Fearless Army: Roll Call — join hundreds of like-minded men in Nashville on April 15th for Fearless Army: Roll Call - an all-day event to encourage men to put on the full armor of God to take a stand against the evil forces destroying American culture. Tickets will likely sell out, so secure yours today by going to https://FearlessArmyRollCall.com.



Prestonwood Pregnancy Center registry: https://www.amazon.com/baby-reg/prestonwood-pregnancycenter-july-2023-richardson/3J4JYXTT783ZD

Elizabeth Warren Exposes Very Scary Pregnancy Center: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-W2HaQrtDU&t=151s

TIME: "Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Centers Are Collecting Troves of Data That Could Be Weaponized Against Women" https://time.com/6189528/anti-abortion-pregnancy-centers-collect-data-investigation/


Relevant Episodes:

Ep 728 | Want to End Abortion? Make Disciples | Guest: Roland Warren

Ep 738 | My Response to 'Christian' Pro-Choice Congresswomen | Guest: Ericka Andersen

Ep 701 | Progressive, Pro-Life, & Indicted by the DOJ | Guest: Herb Geraghty


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What Really Happens at Pregnancy Centers? | Guest: Leanne Jamieson | Ep 764

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