There's No Ball in The Bible | Flat Earth #Area51South

1 year ago

The Whistleblower Math Powerland in a music video to remind all you globers that there's also NO BALL in the bible. So, you've got no curvature, no gravity and absolutely zero scriptures that mention the word ball, globe or sphere? Now what globers? Still desperately clinging to your cartoon ball? Well globers, the only option you have left is direct measurement here on the ground. Circumnavigate your cartoon ball! Start from the SW tip of South America, bank left over Antarctica and proceed to fly a straight line of the deep interior section of Antarctica. IF.. by miracle you reach the furtherst SOUTHERN coastline, keep on going and verify whether or not the ocean you reach rolls on to the shores of India, Sri Lanka and proceed to fly over the North Pole. Fly over Canada, USA and then back to the SW tip of South America! If you can do that, you've proven your ball. Until then.. you've got absolutely nothing! Too scared, or just too lazy to try and verify your ball, well you'll have to wait until flat earthers get out there and fully explore the surface. You are all delaying the inevitable .. because once full exploration is accomplished, the truth will be thrown right in all of your faces.

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