Was President Abraham Lincoln Gay? | 6/8/23

1 year ago

The Canadian fires are severely impacting the northeastern U.S. How many were deliberately set? The frogs are turning gay after all. Another familiar face joins the 2024 presidential field. Joe Biden nominated a judge who tried to stop churches from gathering during the COVID era. The Biden administration is still pushing for tax increases. The many days on the calendar set aside to celebrate sexual preference are surprisingly long. The world of professional golf is about to change in major ways. Pat Robertson has died at the age of 93. The Discovery channel has a documentary claiming President Lincoln was homosexual. Meet one very annoying climate activist.

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00:00:00 Canadian Wild Fires
00:15:14 Gay Frogs!
00:22:37 Religious Persecution in America
00:25:38 UN ORDERING Reparations from the US?
00:30:13 Tweets
00:34:31 They’re Coming for our Children
00:48:13 Tweets
00:53:13 Bud Light Triples Down
01:00:49 PGA LIV Merger
01:09:20 Hobby Horsing …
01:14:41 Gay-braham Lincoln
01:26:30 Failed Climate Predictions

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