Is ADHD Real? | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin (Part One) | Ep 857

1 year ago

Today we're joined by Dr. Roger McFillin, clinical psychologist and co-host of the "Radically Genuine" podcast (@RadicallyGenuine) to discuss the truth behind ADHD diagnoses and Big Pharma's role in it all. We start out with a clarification on what clinical psychology is and is not and recap our previous conversation on depression and depression medications. We talk about the ADHD phenomenon happening in America, and Dr. McFillin claims that while some indeed may struggle with focus and concentration, ADHD is actually just a socially constructed disorder. We talk about how ADHD is significantly over-diagnosed and how the majority of parents never thought their child's behavior was problematic until they heard it from a teacher. But do teachers have a right to help diagnose our kids, and what exactly are the consequences of liberally diagnosing ADHD? One may be that ADHD medications like Adderall tend to be a gateway to reliance on further mental health drugs. Stay tuned for part two tomorrow!

Dr. McFillin's website:

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00:00 Intro
01:17 Clarifications & feedback from episodes on depression
08:59 Response to people who claim medications saved their lives
17:40 The ADHD phenomenon
23:40 How they "test" for ADHD
28:30 What ADHD medications do


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Relevant Episodes:

Ep 821 | Why Antidepressants Don’t Fix Depression | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin

Ep 822 | The Big Money Behind Big Medicine | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin

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Is ADHD Real? | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin (Part One) | Ep 857

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