FEMA caught Red Handed staging Fake Interviews and Blocking in Escapees – No Warnings – No Escape

1 year ago

Where were the sirens? Where were the Fire Trucks? Where are the missing children?

Biden - $25 Billion to Ukraine and $700 per family.

Why did FEMA STAFF act like they were Media interviewing themselves? They were posing as reporters - this is a crime.

Why were they blocking AID?

How did Aluminum cars MELT and the ASPHALT which melts at 300 C didn't?

The cars and even the wheels melted which would be at least 660 C?

Where are the bodies in the cars?

Why didn't blue material burn or melt?

This was a DEW.

Source: Hustle Bitch – https://rumble.com/v3boru6-fema-caught-red-handed-staging-fake-interviews-and-blocking-in-escapees-no-.html

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