Sanskrit Shloka: Yukti Yuktaṃ - A wise person should accept a reasonable proposal

1 year ago

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yukti yuktaṃ pragṛhṇīyāt bālādapi vicakṣaṇaḥ।
raveraviṣayaṃ vastu kiṃ na dīpaḥ prakāśayet॥

युक्ति युक्तं प्रगृह्णीयात् बालादपि विचक्षणः।
रवेरविषयं वस्तु किं न दीपः प्रकाशयेत्॥

A wise person should accept a reasonable proposal, even if it comes from a child.
What use is a lamp if it cannot illuminate the area under the sun?

A sanskrit Shloka/Mantra from the ancient Indian scripture called the "Panchatantra," a collection of animal fables that impart moral and practical wisdom. This particular verse conveys a valuable life lesson, especially for decision-making and problem-solving.


"युक्ति युक्तं प्रगृह्णीयात् बालादपि विचक्षणः" (yukti yuktaṃ pragṛhṇīyāt bālādapi vicakṣaṇaḥ): This phrase emphasizes that a wise and discerning person should consider and accept a reasonable or well-thought-out proposal, even if it comes from a child. It stresses the importance of evaluating ideas based on their merit rather than dismissing them based on the source or the person presenting them. It suggests that wisdom and intelligence can be found in unexpected places.

"रवेरविषयं वस्तु किं न दीपः प्रकाशयेत्" (raveraviṣayaṃ vastu kiṃ na dīpaḥ prakāśayet): This part of the mantra asks a rhetorical question to drive home the lesson. It questions the usefulness of a lamp that cannot illuminate an area where the sun is shining. It implies that just as a lamp's purpose is to provide light where it is dark, knowledge and solutions should be applied where they are needed, regardless of their source.

In summary, the shloka "yukti yuktaṃ pragṛhṇīyāt bālādapi vicakṣaṇaḥ, raveraviṣayaṃ vastu kiṃ na dīpaḥ prakāśayet" teaches us to be open-minded and wise in accepting ideas and solutions. It urges us to evaluate proposals based on their merit and not to dismiss them simply because they come from unexpected or seemingly inexperienced sources. The mantra also emphasizes the practicality of applying knowledge and wisdom in relevant situations to bring about meaningful results. The message encourages humility, discernment, and a broader perspective on the potential sources of knowledge and insights in life.

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