The Key Strategy You NEED To Know to Recover From Burnout, Faster! With Dr. Kate, ND

1 year ago

⁠💡In this week’s Wild Wisdom Show, we are joined by Naturopathic Doctor Kate Hazlitt for a fascinating discussion on everything related to stress and burnout. Dr. Kate specializes in helping women recover from burnout, and together we cover various super effective strategies to heal from burnout faster and most effectively.

We will discuss:

☑️ How to recognize the subtle (and not so subtle) signs of emotional exhaustion, and what to do about it.

☑️ How to navigate and reverse through the different stages of burnout with grace.

☑️ How to reverse the disconnection that we use to protect ourselves during burnout but if not addressed can harm even our healthy relationships.

☑️ The importance of getting out of the comfort zone that is leading you down the burnout road.

Empower yourself and join me for this super important Wild Wisdom episode!

🙋🏽‍♀️This is a pre-recorded interview. For future live shows, I will be sure to answer your questions if you attend the FB LIVE episode through my free private FB group, Wild Wisdom for Women with Dr. Patricia Mills, MD. I look forward to seeing you there! ⁠

I go LIVE (12:00 pm PST / 3:00 pm EST) every Thursday for The Wild Wisdom Show.

To your BEST health,

🩺 Dr. Patricia, Wholistic MD⁠
Specialist in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation⁠
Practicing Functional Medicine ⁠

😍 PS: Here's my gift to you! Download my free ebook 'Naturally rebalancing your hormones', full of easy to action strategies for immediate results.

Copy & paste this link into a new browser:

**Comment #replay if you can't make it LIVE to catch the replay when it's available.**

#functionalmedicine #drpatriciamills #functionalmedicinedoctor #drmarkhyman #womenoverforty #burnout #DoctorKateHazlitt #stress #recoverfromstress
Please note the following medical disclaimer: By viewing this video you understand that this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. You also understand and agree that our Privacy Policy

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