Rehearsing for a special needs dance showcase in Wellsville

7 years ago

At Steps Dance Studio in Wellsville they are getting ready for a big show. It was put together by dance teacher Kate Martelle for special needs dancers.She says "some magic happens when you bring them together as a community and they meet people just like themselves, especially in this small area." Kate was hoping to get her dance team into the Special Olympics, except as it turns out there is no dance event in the the Special Olympics. So Kate decided to create her own event, not just locally, but opening it to special needs dancers statewide. She's calling it the "Beats Special Needs Dance Showcase" Their show is Saturday, June 17th at 2:00pm at the Wellsville High School Auditorium and it's free. All of the participants will receive special "Beats" medals. The first event hasn't taken place yet and Kate says dance groups around the state are already lining up for next year. You can get more information about Beats Special Needs Dance Showcase at the NYSARC website.

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