Are You Giving Your Power Away? How to Tell & How to Take It Back

1 year ago

Recently, I started to truly understand the concept of “letting go.”
While overused, hanging onto grudges or anger hurts only ourselves. Yet, letting go offers freedom and opportunity — something, perhaps, many of us wish we had more of.
When beginning to write this article, I couldn’t help but draw parallels between the power of letting go versus not giving your power away.
As Eckhart Tolle has said, “Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than hanging on.”
When we get angry and react, we allow someone else to “control” or “sway” our emotions.
And while we can’t control our emotions in every case (for instance, it’s absolutely okay and normal to be sad over changes in your life or the loss of someone close to you), we can do our best, situationally dependent.
In other words, we can actively choose to change our thoughts and avoid reacting or avoid giving someone else the power to manipulate us.
So, let’s dig into this concept a bit further.
Are you giving your power away?

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