Trump, Q, White hats, it's groundhog day!!

1 year ago

I was born to fight, to wield the sword of truth, but until I understood my destiny, I had to earn the right to arm myself.
When the fight comes, I will stand alone and face the darkness, I will shine my light upon my shield and cut through the darkness until I reach it's source, then I will cut to the truth.
If I am bound to hell, It should prepare, because I bring the light with me.

I have been trying to wake up groups for some time and all I see is the chance to do so has passed, and so long ago. 2012, that was when I noticed the grifts of Luke Rudkowski, John Lear, David Icke, Dan Dicks, Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, Steven M Greer, Jesse Ventura, Jim Marrs, Jordan Maxwell, Alan Watt and more of that time period but few compared to the business it has become today.

It is no longer about truths, it's about claims without proof.
The truth is free, what do they do to anything that is free to all?
Suppress it or profit from it.
Think on you doubters of self.
Enjoy my brethren Old Guard truthers.

Much L❤ve


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