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1 year ago

Come inside the show's about to start.....
Events this week were once again disturbing and stressful. We are sad to have watched our warrior Sidney Powell be arrested, mug shot taken and required to posr a $100,000 bond. Sidney is NOT a criminal. Nor are any of the 18 co-defendants. Nor is President Trump. But like in a scene from an old WWII movie, we were forced to see attorneys criminalized for doing their jobs and raising questions about an election. It is a terrible time for the citizens of America.Sidney is resolute and had these comments after yesterday's debacle.Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support. Continue to pray for Truth, Justice, and a restoration of the Rule of Law. 
And pray for those who persecute us.I appreciated the professionalism of the women officers and others in the Fulton County Sheriff's office.  Stay tuned!If you would like to donate to help defend Sidney, Defending The Republic is the place to go. https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/lt-gov-says-trump-indictment-politically-motivated-welcomes-special-prosecutor/CGTTDAYP4ND3HAXZBOY2CVGHQM/












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